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Privacy Policy

General Statement of Internet Privacy

The Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center respects the privacy of its members and those who visit,anyinformationyousubmittothePasodelNorteChildren’sDevelopmentCenter willnotbeusedinanymannertowhichyou havenotconsented.

Personally Identifiable Information

Personally identifiable information is not collected about users of the Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center web site without their knowledge or action. Personal information is collected through registration for PdNCDC, e-mail newsletters, and/or events. This information includes, but is not limited to, names and addresses of individuals, company name, company address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and credit card information.  Users should be aware that if any information is disclosed on a message board, chat room, or other open forum, others may collect that information in order to send unsolicited materials or for other purposes.

Use of Personally Identifiable Information

The PdNCDC does not share contactinformationwiththirdparties.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Non-personally identifiable information includes, but is not limited to, data automatically collected through visitor use of and/or actions taken on the web site.  Examples might include user traffic patterns, pages viewed, “click-through” rates, and search terms entered into the site’s search utility. In addition, the IP address, operating system, and browser used are gathered from visitors to the site. The IP address can identify the user’s Internet service provider and can suggest the geographic location of the visitor.  The Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center recognizes key demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, national origin, income, etc.) may be of a sensitive nature to users. Generally, such information is not collected through the web site. However, in the event the PdNCDC should come into possession of such information, whether through a user’s voluntary submission or by receiving such information from any of our business partners, such information shall be treated as personally identifiable.

Use of Non-Personally Identifiable Information

As a general matter, non-personally identifiable information helps determine how the PdNCDC web site is being used by identifying popular areas of the site and determining the effectiveness of promotional activities.

Use of “Cookies”

The site uses “cookies” (i.e., a small data file that is written to a user’s hard drive) to help track how the site is being used. The cookies do not include personal information, but are unique to each user and include a randomly generated identification number that enables the PdNCDC’s server to identify the visitor. Users benefit from the cookies, because they do not have to provide usernames and passwords for each visit, and they may receive personalized services as requested at the time of registration.  The server does not read any data on the user’s hard drive except the cookie file. For popular Internet browsers, the user has the option of refusing to accept cookies. Refer to browser documentation for more information on how to select options concerning cookies. Cookies need not be accepted in order to use the web site. However, without cookies, certain of the automated functions and features of the site may not be available to you. Cookies are also used to measure the “click through” rate on e-mails delivered.

Third Party Use of Personal Information

The PdNCDC web site contains links to other Internet sites. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other web sites, including the use of any information gathered on those sites.



The user understands and agrees that “perfect” security does not exist. If credit card information is gathered on the Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center site, it is encrypted for transmission between the user’s computer and the PdNCDC server. Other information you send to this site, including email messages, will not be encrypted unless you are notified otherwise. The web site is protected by a firewall and monitored for security.


Merchant Services

Users may be able to access certain information related to goods and services of third parties with the understanding and agreement that access to and use of those services is entirely between you and the third parties. The Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center shall have no liability associated with that access or use.

Legal Disclaimer

Nothing contained in this web site is to be considered the rendering of legal, financial, professional or other advice for specific cases. Materials are intended for educational, background, and/or informational purposes only.

Correcting, Updating or Deleting Information

To make changes in contact information, or to opt out of receiving PdNCDC communications, contact the PdNCDC by any of the following means:

  • Send a written request to: Office Manager, Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center, 1101 E. Schuster Ave., El Paso, TX 79902
  • Telephone 915-544-8484

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is available at all times to users of the Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center web site at Any material changes to this privacy policy will be communicated to users through this web page. Users are responsible for making use of this resource to stay current on the Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center privacy policy.